6 Yoga Stretches for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer generally begins in the breast tissue. It is the gland which helps in the milk production is called as ducts and lobules; these lobules are connected to the nipples. All women are at the risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the second deadliest cancers among women.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

  • Painless lump is most commonly seen
  • Lump or swelling of underarm lymph nodes.
  • Swelling, thickening or redness
  • Nipple abnormalities
  • Spontaneous discharge
  • Fatigue, nausea
  • Weakness and decreased range of motion

6 Yoga Stretches for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer can cause many symptoms; all these above symptoms can be treated by proper exercises like yoga, integrative therapies, etc. Below discussed are few step to step guide to stretch your body muscles and to increase the range of motion. Be seated at the edge of a chair or stool by placing your feet parallel and knees above ankles, rib cage above hips and shoulders relax.

  1. Neck Stretches
    Take your right hand over your head and place the middle finger on left ear. Inhale through the nose as your stomach rises, and exhale through the nose gently draw your head to right shoulder. Hold for 1-2 breaths. Return to straight position and repeat on the other side.
    Benefits: Increases range of motion and releases tight muscles.
  2. Neck Rotation
    Place your right hand in front of your left shoulder, inhale through your nose as you feel your stomach expand the exhale and rotate head towards the left. Hold for 1-2 breaths. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
    Benefits: Increases range of motion and releases tight muscles.
  3. Shoulder Rolls
    Inhale through your nostrils and raise your shoulders up towards your ears as your stomach expands. As you exhale, roll your shoulders back a down in a circular motion. Repeat 3-4 times and switch directions.
    Benefits: Increases shoulder awareness and range of motion.
  1. Goal Post Arms
    Inhale deeply with your nostrils and raise both arms to shoulder height so they look like a goal post. Inhale and hold. As you exhale, raise your arms up 1-2 inches then return to shoulder height. Repeat 3-4 times.
    Benefits: Increases shoulder awareness and range of motion. 
  1. Scapular Retraction
    Beginning in goal post position, inhale and bring your shoulder back, imagining your shoulder back, imagining cracking a walnut between your shoulder blades. Hold for 1-2 breaths then exhale and release. Repeat 3-4 times.
    Benefits: Increases shoulder awareness and range of motion. 
  1. Modified Camel
    Sit and inhale deeply with your nostril and push your stomach outside and expand it. As you exhale, circle the arms around to the back of the chair and hold. Hold for several breaths then return to start. Repeat 3-4 times.
    Benefits: Opens chest muscles.

Tips for Breast cancer patients

  • Control blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • Lower daily caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Get your vitamin D checked
  • Achieve an ideal body composition lower your fat mass and raise your muscle mass
  • Optimize melatonin
  • Incorporate iodine in your diet
  • Watch those toxins
  • Eat your good fats
  • Eat your cruciferous veggies
  • Get moving