Can The Viruses Be The Cancer Origins?

Although so many world scientists have studied to discover what exactly is causing the cancer, a viable answer could not yet be found. Smoking, too much alcohol, too much sun, bad food habits and stress are currently the main reasons offered to the society for cancer.

Still it is good to know that recent studies have concluded that behind the devastating disease there are hiding a few pathogen agents.

Two viruses known to cause severe damage to the human body: HPV virus –the main cause of cervical cancer and the measles virus can be responsible for the lung cancer.

According to Denise Galloway, virologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle – Washington, these viruses are associated with the lung cancer and there is plausible proof that they can also be behind it.

Around 20% of the world cancer cases were associated with infection. The link between HPV and the cervical cancer is not the only one and so many other cancer types seem to be the result of a pathogen infection. The inoculation on a large scale with the HPV vaccine has led to a significant reduction of cervical cancer.

Still the B and C hepatitis viruses seem to be responsible for the liver cancer while Helicobacter pylori bacteria is the main cause for stomach cancer.

The researchers have observed viral genome sequences in very aggressive forms in the skin cancer but there is still a mystery how a virus would cause this type of cancer.

The theory that a virus able to cause breast cancer in lab rats can also be responsible for causing breast cancer in humans became also very popular.

This is why the interest in determining the viral cause for the tumors is rising with every new confirmed theory.

Smoking remains the main cause for lung cancer but it was proven through research that a weak immune system can be the first clue for lung cancer developing at smoking patients. As a conclusion, Galloway said that a viral infection can lead to severe immune problems and cause an infection able to trigger the cancer.

This has been proved after associating immunity problems in cancer patients that ultimately lead to multiple metastases in areas not related with the initial cancer type.

Determining that an infectious cause may be at the base of a cancer type can have significant effect over the treatment and over the preventing strategies.