The Malign Bone Tumor – An Evil Coming With Cancer Metastasis

Malign Bone TumorThe tumors are manifesting through pain, turgid tissue or pathological bone fracture.

The bone is a very common residence for the metastasis of other tumors like breast, thyroid, kidney and prostate.

They are usually associated with pain and discomfort and are hidden by other symptoms the malign cancers are presenting before metastasis.

The rare malign bone tumors are appearing to 6 million people every year. All are manifesting through non mechanical pain similar to the tooth ache followed by turgid appearance of the bone that is causing the correct diagnosis to be delayed.

The radiological characteristics that are suggesting bone tumor are containing bone destruction, neo formation of bone mass, turgid tissue, soft tissue and periostosis.

The metastasis is hemoragic and usually starts in the lungs. The treatment of these rare and very aggressive tumors is better done in specialized centers for multiple cancer treatment.

The gigantic cell tumor (osteoclastoma) is frequently found in young adults, appearing around the knee and ankle areas. The tumors are osteolytic, slow and they can lead to a bone fracture.

The treatment is the surgical removal of the tumor with 75% percent of healing probability. The odds of this kind of tumor to reach metastasis are below 1%.

The Ewing sarcoma is a malign tumor with round cells appearing in long bone area especially in children. The radiology shows sometimes a soft tissue mass with large dimensions with concentric layers of bone neo formation (onion layers characteristics).

Normally the ones suffering from Ewing sarcoma have a chromosomal translocation. The chemotherapy and the bone resection as well as the surgery procedure for salvaging the limb associated with radiotherapy are healing half of the patients. The presence of large metastasis involves a very low response to the procedure.

Primary Osteosarcoma appears especially at teenagers under the circumstances of an aching knee and the radiology presents “sunrays” in the Codman triangle.

The treatment is represented by chemotherapy followed by the tumor’s resection. The healing rate is between 50-60% and the resilient treatment of the metastasis shows positive results.

The surgical reconstruction after the removal of a bone tumor involves the repair of the sick bone with a metal and polymeric prosthesis as the alternative for amputation.

A general reconstruction is possible with the help of a massive prosthesis or transplants.

Today, due to the advancement in bone repair technology over 85% of the patient’s limbs are saved due to the chemotherapy for the primary bone tumors.