Vaginal Cancer: Cancer That Mainly Affects Reproductive Health!

Vaginal cancer is one of the rare forms of cancer that mainly affects your vagina, a muscular tube that mainly connects uterus with other genitals present outside of your vaginal portion. It often occurs in the cells that line up the surface of your vagina.

However, vaginal cancer can occur at any age throughout your entire course of your life. But, it possibly takes place when you cross 60 years of age.

Be aware with the factors that can increase your risk of vaginal cancer!

There are certain factors which can increase your risk of vaginal cancer. Some of the most important factors, which you must consider to decrease your risk of vaginal cancer can mainly include:

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV): This virus is generally transmitted with direct exposure to it. HPV virus can greatly increase your risk of various cancers, including vaginal cancer. HPV virus mainly stimulates the growth of cancerous and precancerous cells on your vaginal areas and increases your risk of vaginal cancer. If you have undergone hysterectomy for the removal of uterus or ovaries, even then you are considered to be at increased risk of developing vaginal cancer.
  • Previous history of gynecologic cancer: If you have any previous episodes of any sort of gynecologic cancer, particularly cervical cancer, you can possibly get affected with vaginal cancer.
  • Overexposure to miscarriage prevention drug: If your mother took any miscarriage prevention drug during pregnancy, you can possibly develop certain types of vaginal cancer like clear cell adenocarcinoma.
  • Presence of a typical cell in your vaginal areas: More often women with vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia are considered to be at increased risk of developing vaginal cancer. If you have this particular vaginal condition, apart from vaginal cancer, you can also have chances to develop other types of gynecologic cancer.

Apart from these factors, try to be cautious with smoking and also early age sexual intercourse. Even if you participate in sexual intercourse with multiple sexual partners, you can certainly develop vaginal cancer.

Recognize vaginal cancer in early stages to avoid further complications!

Identifying the early signs of vaginal cancer can significantly help you to avoid further complications of vaginal cancer. Certain early signs of vaginal cancer mainly include:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding and presence of lumps in vaginal areas
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic pain
  • Frequent urination and also blood urine
  • Water vaginal discharge that can be bloody with foul smell

Be aware with all these factors and realize that there is no preventive measure to avoid vaginal cancer. The only way to take appropriate prevention is to have regular pelvic exam and pap tests.