Info On Skin Cancer Foundation, Statistics And Research!

Skin Cancer FoundationLook Out! Find out details on Skin Cancer Foundation in short. Also find the skin cancer statistics and skin cancer research aspects.

The Skin Cancer Foundation, the only national and international organization that is concerned exclusively with the world’s most common malignancy, cancer of the skin, has chosen The Ballantine Corporation for recent print projects.

Know This! The Ballantine Corporation provides creative copy and design, print production, mailing services and one-to-one marketing solutions.

The most recent print project, a self-mailing order form, was used to promote two of The Skin Cancer Foundation’s publications:

  • Sun & Skin News- a quarterly newsletter on sun safety, skin health and cosmetic repair of sun damage.
  • The ABCDEs of Melanoma- a reference guide featuring detailed photos showing the differences between normal moles and dangerous melanomas.

If you want these two publications you can just pick them up from doctor’s offices, health fairs and directly from the Skin Cancer Foundation, yes this is how they are distributed to patients and consumers.

Thus helping to increase the awareness and education of skin cancer. Some good work without any hard efforts falls your way. So Just Grab It!

According to the study Skin cancer statistics are reaching epidemic levels in the United States. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. It accounts for nearly half of all cancers in the United States.

The skin cancer statistics show the 5-year relative survival rate for patients with melanoma is 92%. For localized melanoma, the 5-year survival rate is 98%; survival rates for regional and distant stage diseases are 64% and 16% respectively. About 83% of melanomas are diagnosed at a localized stage.

Now you might ask how many people die from skin cancer.

About 10,710 deaths from skin cancer in 2006 – 7,910 from melanoma and 2,800 from other skin cancers as estimated by The American Cancer Society.

The incidence of melanoma has increased a little less than 3% per year since 1981 as statistics show. Melanoma is the most common cancer among people 25 to 29 years old.

In the United States more than 1.3 million skin cancers are diagnosed yearly.

One in 5 Americans and one in 3 Caucasians will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.

Cancer Research UK is one of the few independent organizations in the world with the ability to transform pioneering skin cancer research into treatments for cancer patients.

Research is a step-by-step process that involves collecting and examining information. We do research to improve our knowledge and understanding about the world we live in. It almost always involves finding out something new each time.

Skin Cancer research is the study of skin cancer, from its basic biology to the effects of treatment. Researchers who study skin cancer collect and analyze information about every aspect of the disease. Studies go on to find an answer for the following:

The final goal of skin cancer research is to produce effective treatment and prevention for the many different types of cancers around today.

All the skin cancer foundations and skin cancer research centers aim to help the people in giving answers and solutions to their problems concerned. Thanks to the advanced technology and human intelligence!!