Michael Douglas Has 80% Chance of Recovery from Throat Cancer

throat cancerDoctors have given throat cancer sufferer, Michael Douglas an 80% chance of recovery.

His discovery of having throat cancer was followed by rigorous chemotherapy and radiation treatments, which did bring to mind, the prospect of dying says the actor. His condition and its treatment has put a “little perspective on mortality, obviously,” says the actor.

But then the actor decided that rather than thinking about dying, he was simply going to see his illness as something to get over. The cancer treatment that Douglas was given was the most intensive that could be given for the period of time and he was amazed that “they almost have to try and kill you to bring you back.”

Meanwhile the actor who starred in hit films such as Wall Street and Fatal Attraction has admitted that it was the smoking and the alcohol drinking that was the most likely cause of his throat cancer.

In January of next year, the 66 year old will know whether he has managed to beat his cancer. Now that his treatment has ended, he is slowly regaining his energy.

The treatment had altered his very distinctive gravely speaking voice, but now that it has ended and he is able to eat solids once again, his voice has returned to normal.