Can Art Therapy Help In Treating Cancer?

Art TherapyLearn how art therapy for cancer patient works. The art therapy is the Art of Healing the disease through various forms of art.

This provides the patient a relaxed mind and soul, more over a strong mental support to overcome and fight against the dreadful disease cancer using personal creativity in various forms.

Join in a time of creativity and expression through art. In other words, the art therapy workshops introduce caregivers and cancer patients to the benefits of art to enhance wellness through accessing feelings surrounding the diagnosis of cancer. Shared experience with hands-on art exercise is the concept behind this.

This Works!! Various studies were also conducted to determine whether cancer patients who receive the mindfulness-based art therapy (MBAT) program demonstrate improvement in health-related quality of life, enhanced coping responses and a reduction in stress-related symptoms or not. The result proved that this art therapy for cancer patients really works.

Art therapy for cancer patients is a body-mind therapy. Rigorous scientific study to determine its therapeutic value for people with cancer has not been done, but many clinicians have observed and documented significant benefits among people who have participated in art therapy.

An effective form of distraction is participating in art therapy or creating art on your own. Thinking about and creating art can help to distract you from focusing on thoughts of pain and anxiety.

Let’s look into some most commonly used art therapies which showed an improvement in the cancer patients.

Dance! Music!! Dance therapy uses movement to improve mental and physical well-being. These two are recognized forms of complementary therapies used in hospitals and many clinical cancer centers. Music therapy uses music to promote healing and enhance quality of life. This may involve listening to music, creating music, singing, and discussing music, in addition to guided imagery with music.

Because of the act of creating art influences brain wave patterns and the substances released by the brain, many art therapists believe this type of therapy works. It helps people express hidden emotions, reduce fear, anxiety and stress and provides a sense of freedom.

Research has been done on benefit of art therapy for cancer patients, but because of increasing patient concern, art therapy is frequently offered as a rehabilitation option through many medical centers.

Art, prayer and healing are all associated with similar brain wave patterns and stem from the same body source, some neurophysiologists reported. The creative energy stimulated by the project contributes to the healing process; art therapy’s proponents believe this.

No Harm! There is little or no harm associated with this activity. Cancer patients are increasingly whirling to alternative and complementary therapies to reduce symptoms, boost their ability to cope with stress and improve quality of life.

The creative process involved in making art is healing and life-enhancing. The study provides beginning evidence for the important role the art therapy for cancer patients can play in reducing symptoms. Art therapy for cancer patients provides a distraction that allows them to focus on something positive and interesting instead of their health and it also helps patients something to control the disease in the form of mental support and strong determination.