Calcium Supplements To Prevent Colorectal Cancer

calcium supplementIf a person has colon polyps, the chances of these polyps becoming carcinogenic are high.

The growths, normally found in the colon lining can become cancerous with time.

Researches and studies carried out by various scientific groups claim that calcium supplements might prevent the appearance of colorectal cancer.

An adequate amount of calcium in the diet can help restrict the growth of the polyps thus inhibiting cancer.

Calcium supplements seem to work the best on the advanced adenoma polyps in the colon.

Calcium supplements have been proven over the last years as having a great effect on colon growths. To an extent they inhibit the growth of the polyps and also seem to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

It is said that calcium might be able to thwart the division of cancerous cells and promote the growth of healthy tissues.

The link between the calcium quantity in the daily diet and the colon cancer risk was not yet established definitely but the evidence is very conclusive and many people are willing to give it a try.

The Ca, as a chemical element has a huge impact over the entire series of biochemical connections among the cells present between the colon and the rectum.

These connections play a very important and delicate role in balancing the growth and aging process of these cells and in conclusion they can be important components in tumor development process.

That is why, a high intake of calcium in the daily diet (both from natural sources such as low fat dairy products and nutrition supplements) is associated with a decrease of the risk to get colon cancer.

It was found conclusive evidence that a large amount of calcium in the daily diet can prevent the formation of colorectal polyps so the usage on a large scale of the calcium supplements for preventing the colon cancer seems like a very good way to follow.

That is why the relation between the calcium intake and the dairy products is something that needs to be considered by all age groups.

Presently it is recommended to all the male representatives over the age of 19 to consume 1000-1200 mg of calcium in the daily diet but not to go over 2500 mg/day.

As a conclusion, there are studies indicating a possible protective role of the calcium or of the salty dairy products and since the calcium benefits other body functions such as bones and cell regeneration introducing it in the diet can help no matter what.