Prostate Cancer Causes

The exact prostate cancer causes are yet to be discovered. The abnormal growth of cells in the prostate gland is the prostate cancer.

This malignancy of prostate gland leads to several complications which form a threat to life.

This occurs only in men as the prostate gland is a part of male reproductive system. This cancer is considered the most dreadful taking more lives than any other cancer. The risk of developing this disease increases with risk.

The prostate cancer is the most common among the men occurring world wide. This disease is diagnosed lately because of many reasons. Men with this cancer are elderly people and die due to other disorders or ailments before the disease is diagnosed and treated.

The most threatening issue of prostate cancer which most men are worried rather than the death itself is the affect of disease on their sexuality. In fact, the possible consequences of treatment for this cancer which include bladder control problems and erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence can be a great concern for some men.

Common Prostate Cancer Causes

According to the research though the exact prostate cancer causes are not known, there are several combination of factors that play a major role in developing the disease. For example heredity, ethnicity, hormones, diet and the environment form a great risk fro developing the disease.

As the prostate cancer causes aren’t fully understood at present there are certain factors that make prostate cancer more likely, which are listed below.

  • Increasing age is a high risk factor as according to the studies this disease is very rare in men under 50 years.
  • Family history may also be one of the prostate cancer causes meaning if one has close relatives who have had prostate cancer then the chances are high.
  • People who have relatives having other cancers also may inherit the faulty cancer gene, for example those who have relatives who had breast cancer are at risk.
  • Some races such as African-Caribbean or African-American are at highest risk than the Asian which is at lower risk.
  • A high intake of meat and fat diet may increase the risk thus becoming one of the prostate cancer causes.

This cancer shows no symptoms in its early stage. In the later stages prostate cancer may cause pain, urination may become difficult and painful, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms (Prostate Cancer Symptoms).

Many factors, including genetics and diet, have been implicated in the development of prostate cancer. The staging is a must for choosing any treatment as the prostate cancer is characterized as stage1, 2, 3 and 4 depending on the size of the tumor and spread of the disease.

The prostate cancer diagnosis generally involves the blood tests and screening tests, the most common method is the prostate specific antigen test. Also a biopsy is performed to confirm the disease thoroughly.

The biopsy is the examination of a part of the diseased tissue under the microscope. Later X-rays and bone scans may also be performed to determine whether prostate cancer has spread.