Know About The Mortality And Incidence Of Tongue Cancer

Tongue CancerDid you hear of Tongue cancer? Wondering how such a delicate part of your mouth can be prone to such a dreadful disease, cancer.

Know about tongue cancer its risk factors, mortality and incidence in just a short reading.

Tongue cancer is one of the more common and serious types of mouth cancer. It mainly occurs in people who smoke cigarettes, pipes, or cigars or use smokeless tobacco.

People who drink large amounts of alcohol and use tobacco are especially at risk.

It is rare in people who do not use tobacco or alcohol and people under age 40. It is most common after age 60.

The tongue is actually divided into 2 separate anatomical areas. The two parts include the oral tongue which is the part you can “stick out” at somebody and extends backward to a V-shaped group of lumps, and the back of the tongue which are nothing but actually specialized taste buds.

White or red patch on the gums, tongue or lining of the mouth is the key tongue cancer symptom.

Other tongue cancer symptoms are pain, difficulty in chewing, difficulty or swallowing, and a sore throat that does not go away. Also pain in the ear, unusual bleeding, pain or numbness in the mouth change in the voice can be experienced.

Surgical Treatment Preferred! The main reason for treating small squamous tongue cancer with surgery is that it is at least as curative as radiation therapy, possibly better, it is over with quickly, oftentimes done as an out patient procedure instead of 5 – 6 weeks of daily therapy, it may be significantly less expensive.

Some cases of this disease can be treated with just removal of the primary tumor in the tongue. The statistical possibility of some cancer cells spreading through lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes of the neck increases as the size of the primary tumor increases.

While it may technically be feasible to surgically remove some base of tongue cancers, it is best considered that most can and should be treated by radiotherapy.

Complications!! If the disease is not treated, you may also have:

  • Pain
  • Bad breath
  • Drooling and trouble swallowing saliva
  • Trouble breathing
  • Effects on Speech and Swallowing

Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist: The speech-language pathologist can teach modifications in oral movements

Incidence! The following statistics relate to the incidence of Tongue Cancer:

  • According to the Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society,2,460 new female cases for tongue cancer in the US 2004
  • According to the Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society, 4,860 new male cases for tongue cancer in the US

Mortality! The following are statistics from various sources about deaths and Tongue Cancer:

  • According to the Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society, 1,100 estimated male deaths for tongue cancer in the US 2004
  • According to the Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society, 600 estimated female deaths for tongue cancer in the US 2004

So Friends now you are clear how your delicate tongue can even be infected by cancer leading to tongue cancer. After all this reading on tongue cancer you think you should take care of your health even including your mouth and tongue. Yes that’s good.

For all this you need to quit smoking, stop using tobacco and also stop boozing. Decide now or you’ll Suffer Later!!