Tonsil Cancer – An Uncommon Rare Type of Cancer

Tonsil CancerAre you looking for short information on tonsil cancer? Then here’s what you are looking for.

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More than 8,000 cases of oral and throat (oropharynx) cancer are diagnosed each year by U.S. physicians.

Tonsil cancer is a disease of that region of the body, which also includes the soft palate, posterior pharyngeal wall, and base of the tongue.

In other words it is a head and neck cancer. Tonsil cancer develops in the part of the throat just behind your mouth, called the oropharynx.

Find out its Risk! The risk of developing tonsil cancer is due to heavy use of nicotine and alcohol. More men than women have tonsil cancer.

The main risk factors for developing this type of cancer are smoking and regularly drinking a lot of alcohol. If you smoke and drink a lot together, you increase your risk even further.

The most common symptoms of tonsil cancer are:

  • Difficulty Chewing, Swallowing or Speaking is caused by mechanical factors and the tumor enlarges.
  • Swelling in the Neck is possible as the lymph nodes in the neck are invaded.
  • A Sore that does not heal as time passes by
  • Local pain is possible as the tumor enlarges, especially if it invades nerves.

Lymph nodes getting invaded by tonsil cancer result nerve syndromes, then enlarging and pressing upon crucial nerves for the face. It should be noted that distant spread symptoms are uncommon.

A comprehensive treatment plan for each tonsil cancer patient considering the latest treatment protocols is developed by a multi specialty team.

The patient may be recommended for surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, reconstructive surgery, or a combination of approaches. The type of treatment depends on the stage of the tonsil cancer how far it has spread.

So either surgery or radiotherapy will be suggested to treat early stage of tonsil cancer. If a small tumor that is still contained within the tonsil, then it is described as early stage.

You may have surgery followed by radiotherapy, if cancer is larger and has grown throughout the tonsil, or has started to grow outside it.

More advanced cancers may need shrinking before they can be removed that have grown outside the tonsil.

You may have chemotherapy or radiotherapy or both to try to shrink the cancer. This is called ‘down-staging’. If the cancer does shrink, you may then be able to have an operation to remove it.

Various alternative treatments are available for tonsil cancer. Many people with tonsil cancer symptoms are benefited from herbal remedies such as essiac, ellagic acid, and graviola.

Also electromedicine offers Rife, Lakhovsky, and Beck devices. Cancer is caused by an overly acid diet that turns symbiotic organisms into parasites. Prevention is as simple as maintaining an alkaline diet.

Let’s Check its Frequency! In the United States every year malignancy of the tonsils is an uncommon entity that accounts for little more than 0.5% of new malignancies. The most important malignancies of the tonsils include squamous cell carcinoma and lymphoma.

More resources:

Bone Marrow Cancer

Ways To Reduce Cancer Hazards

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer