Frequent Sex And Masturbation In 20’s And 30’s Linked To Higher Prostate Cancer Risk

According to study, men who are sexually active in their 20’s and 30’s are more susceptible to develop prostate cancer, particularly if they practice frequent sex or masturbate very often.

Nevertheless, the research team of UK has also found that men who are sexually active in their 40’s have very little effect of prostate cancer and those in 50’s could have even lesser risk. It has also been investigated that most of the differences are associated with masturbation rather than sexual intercourse.

A study led by University of Nottingham has observed sexual practices in almost 431 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer in early ages before 60 years, together with 409 controls.

Participants who took part in the study were interviewed about all particular aspects of their sexual life from their 20 years of age including at what age they become sexually active for the first time and also how often they had sexual intercourse and masturbated.

The researchers also asked the participants about how many sexual partners they have had and whether they have any sexually transmitted diseases.

Dr Polyxeni Dimitropoulou, lead author, who is now at the University of Cambridge, says “we’ve keenly observed at the link between sexual activity and younger men as a lot of prostate cancer studies focus on older men as the disease is more prevalent in men over 50”.

Read more at ScienceDaily