Are There Any Tests To Diagnose The Large Cell Lung Cancer?

Large Cell Lung CancerIf you have large cell lung cancer, the cells look large and rounded under a microscope. This type of lung cancer tends to grow quite quickly.

Yes, some tests are used to diagnose and cure this cancer, if you are suffering with this disease.

Lung cancer is common in both women and men. The lung cancer is of two kinds. Small cell lung carcinoma or non-small cell lung carcinoma. There are many categories of non-small cell lung cancer. They are adenocarcinoma of the lung, large cell lung cancer and squamous cell lung cancer.

In case of cigar smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke, you can get lung cancer. The development of lung cancer is also by certain chemicals and exposure to the metals like arsenic, radon, chromium, nickel and asbestos.

The uncontrolled growth of the abnormal cells in the lungs leads to the large cell lung cancer. 10 to 20% of the tumors start from the bronchi that lead to lungs. Smoking is the main cause for this kind of cancer. [Lung Cancer and Smoking]

If you are having large size tumor at the center of the lung, it can lead to tissue damage and excessive bleeding. Specific structure is not found in these tumors, so they are called as undifferentiated tumors.

The large cell lung cancer when compared to other cancers can spread and grow quickly. The enlargement of the breast in male (gynecomastia) is caused by the substance secreted by the large cell lung cancer.

The cancer spreads to other parts of your body and the outer part of chest if it is not treated and diagnosed earlier.

The symptoms cannot be shown by some of the cancers. But this cancer shows certain symptoms. They are:

  • Fatigue
  • Hoarseness
  • A persistent cough
  • Bone pain
  • Wheezing or breathing is shortened
  • Pneumonia reoccurs in same places
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Seizures or headache
  • Loss of appetite or unexpected weight loss
  • Coughing up blood
  • Upper extremities ,neck or face are swollen
  • Some abnormalities in chemical composition, enlargement of breast are due to Paraneoplastic phenomenon
  • Pain in shoulder, arm or chest
  • The skin around the finger nails, toes and fingers are enlarged

If you observe these symptoms, then you are conducted some tests to diagnose the lung cancer. They include:

Thoracentesis – The fluid between the chest wall and lung is removed by the needle. The abnormal accumulation of fluid is shown by chest x-rays and then this procedure is done.

Mediastinoscopy – The lymph nodes are removed by making small incisions from the lungs. A specialized tube is sent into the centre of the chest through the incision made at the bottom of the neck above the chest bone.

Bronchoscopy – The fiber optic instrument which is flexible is passed through the airway into the lungs. The tumors are seen directly and can be removed for further examination.

Needle biopsy (fine needle aspiration) – A fluid or tissue from the lymph node, other organs where the cancer is spread, a lung mass, area in bone marrow is removed by using the needle for testing.

The other treatments used are radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Hence, the large cell lung cancer can be diagnosed by using certain tests.