Robotic Prostate Surgery – A Breakthrough in Prostate Cancer

The cases of prostate cancer grow daily by the hundreds. Studies have shown that African-Americans are more prone to this, but this does not mean that everyone else is safe or immune from this disease. The cause of prostate cancer is due to the fact that cancer cells form in the prostate gland or nearby organs and tissues surrounding it.

robotic prostate surgeryWith the advances in medical technology, both doctors and patients enjoy the fruit of innovative treatments. Although there are a lot of procedures in treating prostate cancer, the newest and most favored of methods is the use of robotic prostate surgery.

All around the world medical facilities are slowly switching to this kind of laparoscopic method for the sake of medical advancement and its advantages.

The advantage of robotic prostate surgery wins over its disadvantages. As medical practitioners around the world begin to switch their surgical procedures, patients have also seen the benefits ten fold.

Compared to the old procedures from years past, robotic prostate surgery deals with less blood loss during operation. They also minimize the pain which the patient would usually experience in older procedures. Robotic prostate surgery also promotes quicker recovery on the part of the patient such as normal bodily functions and others.

For those new to the concept of robotic prostate surgery, you can liken it to the same concept of how the surgeons use their hands in surgery. The concept of robotic prostate surgery is that it uses state of the art precision infused with the most delicate of care possible. Here are the steps on how it actually works:

  • Before anything else, preparations are made before the actual operation. Equipment, surgical tools, and the operating table are sterilized and organized. Cleanliness is a must so the surrounding abdomen of the patient is then sterilized and prepared as well.
  • After preparation, the surgeon creates what is called laparoscopic ports which are usually very small and centimeters only in diameter. Usually, there are casts on the abdominal area of the patient to allow for surgery.
  • For robotic prostate surgery to be successful, the robotic arms are carefully inserted into these laparoscopic ports along with the proper tools and cameras in order for the surgeon to actually operate on the patient.
  • After all the preparations have been set and put into place, the robotic prostate surgery may proceed. The surgeon simply sits behind the robotic console guided by state of the art monitors and guides; usually in three dimensions. Basically, this is where the surgeon exercises full control over the surgical procedure itself.

In general, robotic prostate surgery is the most commonly used procedure to help treat prostate cancer today because of its convenience and effectiveness. There are thousands of medical facilities that have shifted to robotic prostate procedure, and millions more are being treated by this breakthrough. For those interested in this procedure, it is best that you consult your doctor before actually going through with it.